Boneshire Brew Works


Boneshire is now offering 4 packs of 16oz cans! We fill these fresh to go, pick out 4 different beers or all the same beer. We fill them right there while you wait so they are fresh as possible. Pricing varies based on the beer. Stay tuned for prefilled cans as well! Check out our tap list and pricesĀ here.

Boneshire was recently featured on ABC 27 for National Beer Day. Check out the video below and watch our brewer Alan talk about making beer!

Boneshire Brew Works Brings Craft Beer to Harrisburg

Boneshire Brew Works craft brewery arrives in Swatara Twp.

Boneshire Brew Works coming to Derry Street

Boneshire Brew Works Grand Opening This Friday

Boneshire Brew Works Grand Opening This Friday

OPENING SOON: Boneshire Brew Works